We value excellence in Business Innovation, Engineering Diversity and Team Commitment which is demonstrated by our
integrity, ethics & professionalism
We shall act with integrity at all times so that our actions can stand up to internal or external scrutiny.
We regard ethics as the cornerstone of professional behaviour.
We aim to share the benefits of our experience through support for training within the engineering services industry and in setting the standards to advance the industry Hort Enterprises strives to be a good corporate citizen and a contributor to the well-being of society.
Our actions reflect the fact that the quality and reliability of our products is of paramount importance to our Customers and us.
We use world-class standards as the benchmark throughout our business activities.
Action in response to known or potential quality issues receives the highest priority.
Quality shall be the responsibility of all employees.
Change is an ongoing feature of our environment which we recognise as critical to our success with Hort Enterprises ability to adapt to change.
Innovation in all aspects of our operating environment represents a cornerstone of our corporate mindset.
Continuous improvement is fundamental to our way of working.
We recognise and accept the constraints on the rate of change imposed by regulatory approval mechanisms.
Effective training, including on the job mentoring and enhances personal development.
We trust and respect our fellow employees.
Direct and unambiguous communication channels with an open-door philosophy being encouraged at all times.
Use of appropriate communication channels and organizational structure is emphasised.
Employees are encouraged and expected to use their initiative in addressing challenges and to focus on finding solutions.
We recognise that employees are responsible for creating opportunities for themselves.
Each employee is individually responsible and accountable for achieving effective and efficient performance.
Never assume, always anticipate, be thorough and complete, and follow through
Good performance is recognised. Poor performance shall be addressed in a timely way to evaluate the cause and identify the support required to improve performance.
All employees are encouraged to be prudent and ethical in the use of Company resources.
Every day is a new day for us & we work really hard to satisfy our customers everywhere
With more than 25 years in the industry, Hort Enterprises has evolved from an engineering support business for the local agricultural sector to become a full-scale engineering operation with strong links to the mining sector throughout Australia
Contact Information
HORT Enterprises Pty Ltd.
258 Clergate Road Orange, NSW 2800
Mon - Fri 07.30 - 15.50 AEST